I didn't know...

 Nursery-University - Trailer - Cast - Showtimes - NYTimes.com  
...about the nursery wars of NYC and the critical first step to getting my baby into Yale.
Naturally up at 2am and thanks to Netflix, I watched "Nursery University." The review of the movie on the pic above says "funny and amazing," Now there was nothing funny to those five parents.  I mean really, there was essay writing, interviewing, baby interviews, applications, tuition, lottery, tours, nursery consultants, and high stress.  Pardon my ignorance, I was just going to put Chase into a local daycare so I can get myself back to work (still the option). The thought really never crossed my mind as to how seriously my choice of a nursery could affect my sons future opportunities, and how expensive. This film was done well and had great diversity.  No matter the means, parents did not get thier children into the Nursury of their choice. It's really relentless and at the end of the Doc, one dad had a PreK guide book on the table and said now for Pre K...Yikes  (5 stars)

...that if i sleep on my left side it helps circulate the blood more efficiently and it aids in reducing swelling. While I sleep on my side regularly now, there were times when I would just lean a little on my back to find a little comfort.  The worst experience I've had so far while sleeping on side is waking up with sore hips.  Once I got that regularly, I got my rotund self out of bed to get my morning walk in.

...that pregnant women are supposed to stay away from soy?? I was at one of my favorite places yesterday, buckies bka Starbucks, and i say to the barista preparing my drink, "Oh, can I get soy milk with that please, I forgot to request it at the register." She says "sure." Then she says, "does your doctor let you drink soy milk?"  I say, "my dermatologist asked me the same thing." and "he has not said anything, and I didn't ask." Then she goes on to say..."yeah there is too much estrogen in it," and she added something about chemicals. At that point, I'm thinking, here I am 27 weeks along and do you know how much soy I've ingested. Yikes!! So here is what the internet has to say:
From the links above, I know that I will be calling my doctor to double check. As for me, how much is too much consumption? Every time I go to Starbucks, 2/week at most, I have a soy steamer or a soy half shot decaf latte.On other occasions, I may have General Tso' bean curd. At home it's vitamin D whole milk. So I think i am in the clear.

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