...about the nursery wars of NYC and the critical first step to getting my baby into Yale.
...that if i sleep on my left side it helps circulate the blood more efficiently and it aids in reducing swelling. While I sleep on my side regularly now, there were times when I would just lean a little on my back to find a little comfort. The worst experience I've had so far while sleeping on side is waking up with sore hips. Once I got that regularly, I got my rotund self out of bed to get my morning walk in.
...that pregnant women are supposed to stay away from soy?? I was at one of my favorite places yesterday, buckies bka Starbucks, and i say to the barista preparing my drink, "Oh, can I get soy milk with that please, I forgot to request it at the register." She says "sure." Then she says, "does your doctor let you drink soy milk?" I say, "my dermatologist asked me the same thing." and "he has not said anything, and I didn't ask." Then she goes on to say..."yeah there is too much estrogen in it," and she added something about chemicals. At that point, I'm thinking, here I am 27 weeks along and do you know how much soy I've ingested. Yikes!! So here is what the internet has to say:
From the links above, I know that I will be calling my doctor to double check. As for me, how much is too much consumption? Every time I go to Starbucks, 2/week at most, I have a soy steamer or a soy half shot decaf latte.On other occasions, I may have General Tso' bean curd. At home it's vitamin D whole milk. So I think i am in the clear.
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