Monday, October 29, 2012

Accepting things the way they were not...

I did not align myself around the idea of making breastfeeding work. I really made it an obstacle for myself.  I really couldn't explain why I decided against it without sounding like I was making up excuses. I just thought it would be easier and for some it is. In hindsight I would delve into researching it a bit more and reading through other peoples difficulties.  I approached breastfeeding in a boastful manner like, duh, this is natural thing of course it is going to work.

I made myself wrong for not trying hard enough or long enough and not being relentless about it. So I knew it was time to make a decision and accept it for myself. Chase will not be breastfed. Easy to get behind because I physically stopped trying.  But mentally I worried what disadvantages I now exposed my child to because he is not breastfed. So I called my cuzzo who did not breastfeed and my homegirl who did and just shared how I felt and was supported around that.

As a first time mother everyone else "knows" what is best for my child and will not be afraid of letting me know what I am doing "wrong."  So while I welcome the advice of others, I also know that know one is responsible for what happens if you take their advice.  So, I will still look things up and consult the doctor and the American Academy of Pediatrics...

Other sources that I find helpful:

Breastfeeding Tips: 153 Pieces of Advice from Real Moms

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